Lindon has a year left.
When his time runs out, he'll have to fight an opponent that no one believes he can beat. Unless he learns the magic of the sacred arts the right way, from scratch, he won't have a chance to win...and even then, the odds are against him.
In the course of their training, Lindon and Yerin travel to the Blackflame Empire, where they struggle to master an ancient power.
Success means a chance at life, but failure means death.
In the sacred arts, only those who risk the most can travel far.
The Cradle series is the best-selling example of the Progression Fantasy subgenre, which includes works of fantasy where the primary plot revolves around a character growing more powerful in their use of magic. Cradle is high-stakes, fast-paced, and action-focused, with minimal time dedicated to world-building, and as such the books are lean and focused. The series is often compared to anime, with fans using phrases like "anime in book form" or "fantasy novels meet Dragon Ball Z," emphasizing the story's specialty of loud and colorful super-powered battles.
Will lives in Florida, lurking beneath the swamps to ambush prey. He graduated from the University of Central Florida where he received a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and a cursed coin of Spanish gold.
Visit his website for eldritch incantations, book news, and a blessing of prosperity for your crops. If you believe you have experienced a sighting of Will Wight, please report it to the agents listening from your attic.
To contact him, you can comment on his website, visit his official Facebook page, track him down on Instagram, or write his name thirty-three times on the beach at low tide. Any of the above will cause him to call to you from the waves.
Blockbuster Fantasy at its Best
Blackflame is an incredible fusion of eastern and western ideas. In the third
installment of Will Wight's Cradle series it's obvious that the author not only loves
this world and the characters but is also comfortable enough with them to truly
begin spreading his wings. Whether you are a fan of xianxia tales or a complete
newbie to the subgenre, Blackflame will entertain you and make you love the
characters Wight has crafted.
If you enjoy hopeful fantasy with a blockbuster style, Blackflame will be right up
your alley. It's got all the items you'd expect in a Will Wight book, a fun magic
system, deep characters, and complex world building all held together in an
excellently paced story that keeps the pages turning. If you haven't given Wight's
Cradle series a go yet, do yourself a favor and pick up the first book, Unsouled as
soon as you can.
--Calvin ParkWords are insufficient to describe how wonderful this entire series is
I can not ever remember a series of books which resonated with me as all of the Cradle
books have. And the latest, BlackFlame, is no exception.
Will Wight is the Clive Cussler of Fantasy. His books come out at a fairly quick
pace, they are a fun and fast read, and his characters feel like they are someone
who you WANT to know.
--KriskThe best yet
In my opinion, Blackflame is the pinnacle of the Cradle books so far. Everything
that made the previous books great is here, and it's turned up to eleven.
Wight's world-building is unparalleled, matched only by his character
development and one of the best magic systems I've read in years. If you've read
his work before, you know what you're in for. If not, buckle down and start in on
Unsouled, because this is a story you won't want to miss.