Daniel Mendelsohn is a classicist and nonfiction writer. His books include The New York Time bestseller The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million, and the collection Waiting for the Barbarians: Essays from the Classics to Pop Culture, published by New York Review Books. He teaches at Bard College.
"Writers do not need to see but to feel, to get away from reality by closing their eyes to it. This exchange of the sensual for the cerebral is a sacrifice without which no art will be made. It is symbolized overpoweringly in Blindness."--John Sturrock, The Times Literary Supplement
"[Blindness] is a polished piece of energetic young work that students of the 20th-century novel's development will be eager to examine. And Green's admirers will welcome a significant addition to his relatively small canon."--Kirkus Reviews
"Green's remains the most interesting and vital imagination in English fiction in our time."--Eudora Welty
"Green's novels reproduce as few do the actual sensations of living."--Elizabeth Bowen
"At its highest pitch Green's writing brings the rectangle of the printed page alive like little else in English fiction in this century."--John Updike
"Blindness is a literary masterpiece that displays the sheer breadth of his abilities. Green uses parenthetical statements and an idiosyncratic sentence structure to describe innovative methods of interpretation in a state of blindness. One of the great unsung architects of modernist literature, Green uses the concept of blindness to show that we are inherently blind to the true nature of reality."--Qwiklit Blog