Gopnik, Blake: - Blake Gopnk s one of North Amerca's leadng art crtcs. He has served as the art and desgn crtc at Newsweek, and as the chef art crtc at the Washngton Post and Canada's the Gloe and Mal. In 2017, he was a Cullman Center fellow n resdence at the New York Pulc Lrary, and n 2015 he held a fellowshp at the Leon Levy Center for Bography at the Cty Unversty of New York. He s the author of Warhol: A Lfe as Art (2020) and The Maverck's Museum: Alert Barnes and Hs Amercan Dream (2025). He has a PhD n art hstory from Oxford Unversty and s a regular contrutor to the New York Tmes.