WINNER of the 2017 Firecracker Award for Nonfiction from CLMP
"Gladman's talent for linguistic architecture makes for a supple, tight promenade through heady ideas whose appeal rests on the implicit connection it draws between a people, their language, and the shape of communication."
--Publishers Weekly
"She offers entry into a deliciously unsettling "narrative," really, a sort of adventure. She reassembles art she likes and makes new art--all in service of creating a new art "experience," suggesting a chain-letter of creation."
--Olivia Cronk, Bookslut
"Her wrestling with the basic ideas of fiction--and its osmotic border with poetry--can lead to spectacular instances of art, passages at home in strangeness, maneuvering with uncanny grace in fields of indeterminacy and unknowing."
--Eugene Lim