Dan Karlton's blood is his ticket to ride on an alien craft known as a Rib ...'the Rib had taken part in a ferocious battle millions of years ago. The underside had been clawed by something of immense destructive power. Blast craters had been ripped into its uniquely tough surface.'
Dan and his fellow astronauts board the Rib, which has all the grim attributes of a haunted house in space. The Rib has the demonic power to torment its passengers with dangerous visions as it delivers them to the Jovian moon of Callisto. There they alight in an alien complex known as the Factory. The Factory is a storm-ravaged facility that becomes a living hell for Dan and his companions. They are attacked by hideous parasitic creatures. The Factory invades their minds, too. And it manufactures the worst thing that can befall a human being. "IT GIVES YOU WHAT YOU SECRETLY WISH FOR."
Welcome to Callisto.
Welcome to a place of miracles and wonder.
A place where ecstasy can mutate into terror in a heartbeat.