"Carry On, Warrior is precisely the kind of book I hope the parents in my congregation will read. Melton is a richly gifted storyteller, and her shamelessness is the best kind, rooted in a refusal to believe that she is anything other than a forgiven and beloved child of God."--Katherine Willis Pershey, associate Pastor First Congregational Church of Western Springs Illinois "Christian Century Magazine"
"Glennon is...a fantastic writer and speaker -- funny, real, open, passionate, heartfelt, and inspiring. I was inspired both personally and professionally by her presence, her talent, her humility, her message and her vulnerability."--Mike Robbins "Huffington Post, Good News Blog"
"An inspirational guide. Only by living in a state of loving vulnerability [was Melton able] to do what she desired most: touch others and be touched by them in return. Gentle words of wisdom from a woman driven by 'senseless, relentless hope.'"-- "Kirkus Reviews"
"Carry On Warrior is like sitting down for a cup of coffee with a friend to share stories, laughter, and tears, mixed with a whole lot of "me too!"s and "I thought I was the only one." You leave refreshed, renewed, and reminded that we aren't alone in this. Not even a little.It isn't the kind of book you put down and say "oh, that was good." It's the kind of book you put down, then go to the store and buy three more copies because you know you are going to run into someone who needs them."-- "Examiner.com"
"Glennon's writing is like a warm embrace. She shines that little light of hers over the whole wide mommy world, reminding us that it is OK - more than OK, our right - to be who we are, no apologies. And we as mothers matter. Because when you spend so much time focusing on everyone else's needs, you often forget that you count too."-- "Family Circle.com"
"Will melt your heart and inspire you in one fell swoop!"-- "Allparenting.com"
"Every once in a while, a writer turns up who is just that special. This is definitely the case with Glennon Doyle Melton. She's a hit because everything she writes runs deep and true-and makes us laugh. Glennon's like your favorite girlfriend: game to talk about anything, unafraid to take chances, and refreshingly honest about her past and present struggles."-- "Parents.com"
"Melton, God love her, has the courage and the resolve and the wit to show us all of her dimensions. She's the anti-Instagram. Her words make the world a better place.And a healing place."-- "Chicago Tribune"
"Glennon Melton is a natural storyteller, but it's herradical honesty and compassion which enable this book to speak right to theheart of the reader. Glennon's words change readers. Herstories are hilarious, sad, poignant, but they also push and pull at the wallswe've put up around ourselves. She honors the complexity of our modernlives, tells us it's okay to be human, to ask for help, but also reminds us howgreat it feels to do good in the world. Carry On, Warrior is animportant portrait of contemporary womanhood, one that encourages us to takechances and love big."--Megan Mayhew Bergman, author of Almost Famous Women
"Melton writes about spirituality, faith, creativity, and compassion without once surrendering her hilarious and hard-knocks identity."--Elizabeth Gilbert, author of BIG MAGIC
"Refreshingly frank. Writing, or as she calls it 'living out loud, ' is for Melton a bracing therapy to chase away loneliness, learn humility, and banish the fears of revealing the less than flattering sides of herself."-- "Publishers Weekly"
"Sometimes, someone says exactly what you need to hear right when you need it most. Glennon Doyle Melton is that someone for me. I've been reading her lovely, funny new book, Carry on, Warrior--and when I got to the chapter titled, 'Don't Carpe Diem, ' I knew I'd found a spirit guide."--Ellen Pocost "Westchester Parent Magazine"
"In Carry On, Warrior, Glennon Melton's honesty, thoughtfulness, and humor will keep readers racing through the pages--and set them thinking more deeply about their own lives."--Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project and Happier at Home
"Glennon embodies all that we want to be and fear we are not: she is authentic, funny, wise, loving, and resilient in the face of extraordinary challenges. But the magic of Carry On, Warrior is that by the time you finish the book, you realize you ARE all those things, and more. It is a book that actually makes you feel that you are loved and cherished. Has a book ever accomplished anything more marvelous than that?"--Vanessa Diffenbaugh, author of The Language of Flowers
"CarryOn, Warrior is a fierce, outrageous and laugh-out-loud book about emergingfrom addiction and living life at full-tilt."--Geneen Roth, author of Women, Food and God
"Funny, honest, and brave, Glennon Melton joins the ranks of Anne Lamott, Sara Miles, and Barbara Brown Taylor by giving her readers a precious gift: permission--permission to doubt, permission to believe, permission to struggle, permission to laugh, permission to tell the truth, and permission to do it allimperfectly. Carry On, Warrior takes its place among the best ofspiritual memoirs as the kind of book readers will want to return to again andagain. It reads like a conversation with a close friend, but impacts theheart like an encounter with the divine."--Rachel Held Evans, author of Evolving in Monkey Town and a Year of Biblical Womanhood
"Glennon Doyle Melton is church and Carry On, Warrior reads like one of those old rollicking hymns that make you want to stand up at the end and shout, "Amen!" Life is indeed "brutiful" but Glennon's humor, warmth, and honesty are profound reminders that there is beauty in our struggle. I can't stop thinking about this book."--Brené Brown, Ph.D. "New York Times bestselling author of Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Tra"
"First and foremost, Melton's book is chock-a-block with great characters, and she's number one. Melton pulls this off with the help of smart, funny, plain prose."----The Agony Column "Bookotron.com"