"There's a big die-cut "chomp" taken out of the side of this oversized counting and touch-and-feel book. The culprit? An adorable alligator who gobbles up fellow swamp animals from one to 10. A large pull-tab makes the alligator's mouth open wide: "Four leathery, black beavers biting by the swamp. Along came the alligator... chomp, chomp, chomp!" With each new meal, the alligator's belly gets fuller, growing colorful stripes from tummy to tail. Die-cuts feature tactile and eye-catching embellishments: a fox has a bushy red tail, a frog's tongue feels sticky to the touch, and a hummingbird is shiny pink. A big "Burp!" and a pop-up surprise assuage any concerns readers may have about the animals. Van Fleet delivers another irresistibly touchable title for toddler-age readers." -- Publishers Weekly--Publishers Weekly "July 9, 2018"
"One shiny, blue fish / swimming in the swamp. / Along came the alligator . . . chomp, chomp, chomp!" A similar couplet introduces each of nine increasing large groups of animals that follow the fish down the gullet of an amiable-looking alligator, usually depicted floating over the action. The last two spreads focus on the gator, who opens his jaws for one last fish--and burps up all the birds, beasts, and bugs he's swallowed. The story, reminiscent of the Danish folktale The Fat Cat, unfolds in pleasing rhymes with a memorable chorus, while the appealing ink-and-watercolor illustrations offer their own interactive elements, from smooth, furry, fuzzy, feathery, shiny, and sticky textures, to a pull-tab chomping alligator jaw and a sturdy pop-up that expands the last spread. While the book's large format may present a challenge, libraries with mini-shelves for board books will want copies anyway, perhaps for toddler story programs. A big, playful counting book that's great fun for reading aloud. -- Carolyn Phelan--Booklist *STARRED REVIEW* "Sept 1, 2018"