This riveting novel should join Sinclair Lewis's It Can Happen Here as an American classic...Please, read this book and then pass it on to six other people, making it into a chain letter for liberty.--Nadine Strossen, former president, American Civil Liberties Union
Christian Nation is a new novel from lawyer Fred Rich that wonders what would happen if the Republican ticket won in 2008. But Rich goes even further than that, plotting a would-be Palin presidency after McCain passes away in the novel. And although it's fiction, Rich is dead serious about what a Palin presidency would mean for the country. As the title suggest, Rich is concerned about how religious extremists on the right could upend society.--Patrick Gavin "Politico"
Frederic C. Rich's gripping novel Christian Nation straddles the line between speculative fiction and passionate indictment of today's Christian Right.--Robert Burke Warren "Hudson Valley Chronogram"
Brilliant 1984-style dystopian novel of a Christian theocracy under President Palin and her Fred Rich's Christian Nation and learn fear.--Richard Dawkins
Well written and persuasive...For those who might enjoy a work that entwines political, legal and religious themes, Christian Nation is a worthwhile read.-- "Pittsburgh Post-Gazette"
The scariest thing about Christian Nation is that it's so plausible. No violent revolution, no blood in the streets, is necessary for Americans to lose their freedoms--just a failure to defend the liberties that we often take for granted.--Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director, Americans United for Separation of Church and State
[Rich] shrewdly shows how a few legal measures, a bad recession and a terrorist attack can unravel the liberties many take for granted. In that regard, it's an inheritor to Sinclair Lewis' 1935 novel, It Can't Happen Here...Dystopian, wonkish fun for the Maddow set.-- "Kirkus Reviews"
Read as a cautionary tale or a terrifying what-if, this dystopian alternate reality makes riveting, provocative reading.-- "Booklist"