"Each member of your teamhas the potential for personalgreatness; the leader's job isto help them achieve it."
Coach Wooden's Leadership Game Plan for Successpresents a unique opportunity to study underthe man ESPN hails as "the greatest coach ofthe 20th century." Practicing character-basedleadership before the term was invented, JohnWooden consistently led his legendary teamsto victory and has since taught countless businessleaders his fundamentals for achievingand sustaining success.
Now, using this hands-on book based on theacclaimed John Wooden Leadership Course(c), you can "interact" with Coach to learn andapply his philosophy of world-class leadership.This unique tutorial introduces you tohis core fundamentals of success as a leaderand reinforces them with examples, exercises, quizzes, and quotations. You'll learn how to
Coach Wooden's Leadership Game Plan for Successdrives home Mr. Wooden's trademark 12 Lessonsin Leadership and his famous Pyramidof Success.
When you base your leadership style and substanceon Coach's straightforward attitudes, values, and principles, you'll lead your teamand business to success the Wooden way.
Steve Jamison is America's foremost author and authority on the life and philosophy of John Wooden. Mr. Jamison is a consultant to the UCLA Anderson Scool of Business' John Wooden Global Leadership Program. He has collaborated with Coach Wooden on an award-winning PBS presentation as well as several books, including the classic book on teaching and mentoring, Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections.
Steve Jamison is America's foremost author and authority on the life and philosophy of John Wooden. Mr. Jamison is a consultant to the UCLA Anderson Scool of Business' John Wooden Global Leadership Program. He has collaborated with Coach Wooden on an award-winning PBS presentation as well as several books, including the classic book on teaching and mentoring, Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections.