"It is always refreshing to find someone who stands at the edge of his profession and dissects its failures with a critical eye, refusing to be deceived by its pretensions. Bruce Levine condemns the cold, technocratic approach to mental health and, to our benefit, looks for deeper solutions."
"An entertaining, hard-hitting, and controversial book about contemporary culture.... Full of astonishing statistics, the book covers a wide range of topics: attention deficit disorder, chemical dependency, depression, education, health care, consumerism, the online environment, and more...Aptly titled, this book is an opinionated wake-up call."
"This book is life saving and, if taken to heart, life changing."
Title mention in an article by Bruce E. Levine in the Ecologist, October 2007
"This book is life saving and, if taken to heart, life changing." Florida Times-Union
Levine looks at all these new disease manifestations from a common sense perspective .And this perspective tells us that we must redeem our autonomy, community, and humanity before we can overcome our growing unhappiness, anxiety, depression, and craziness. Stanton Peele Book of the Month Selection for Stanton s Bookstores
It is always refreshing to find someone who stands at the edge of his profession and dissects its failures with a critical eye, refusing to be deceived by its pretensions. Bruce Levine condemns the cold, technocratic approach to mental health and, to our benefit, looks for deeper solutions. Howard Zinn, author of A People s History of the United States
An entertaining, hard-hitting, and controversial book about contemporary culture .Full of astonishing statistics, the book covers a wide range of topics: attention deficit disorder, chemical dependency, depression, education, health care, consumerism, the online environment, and more .Aptly titled, this book is an opinionated wake-up call. Choice