JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language, which is lightweight and works in cross-platform such as Mack, Linux, or Windows. It is a scripting language created in 1995 by Netscape as a means of validating forms while offering interactive content for websites. The language has evolved over time with it being used by various web browsers.
Why should I Study JavaScript?
You should study JavaScript because it is among the three fundamental languages every web developer must learn and understand. With HTML, you can define your web page contents whereas CSS allows you to identify your web page layout; however, with JavaScript, you can program the actions of these web pages.
JavaScript has changed the way things are done. Initially, after filling a form, one had to submit it to the server so that it could be checked for any anomalies. If anomalies were found, the server would return the form to the user in order to correct the details. With JavaScript, validation is done before the form can be submitted to the server. The user is able to know any errors done while filling the form and correct them accordingly. This has made things easy for users.
This guide covers the following topics:
Use of a global variable as a cache
The basics of javascript function and scope
Loop constructs
An introduction to es6
Iframe and multimedia
The document object model
Operators, data types and other priorities
Document object model (dom)
Events (not the kind you celebrate)
A storing information in variables
Javascript essentials
Regular expressions
Basic data types of variables
The window object
Maps and sets... AND MORE!!!
"Is this the book for me?"
Sure, it is. Because this guidebook is written with the intention to help both beginners and professionals to understand the programming language for the web more efficiently.
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