Françoise Bourzat--a counselor and experienced guide with sanctioned training in the Mazatec and other indigenous traditions--and healer Kristina Hunter introduce a holistic model focusing on the threefold process of preparation, journey, and integration. Drawing from more than thirty years of experience, Bourzat's skillful and heartfelt approach presents the therapeutic application of expanded states, without divorcing them from their traditional contexts. Consciousness Medicine delivers a coherent map for navigating nonordinary states of consciousness, offering an invaluable contribution to the field of healing and transformation.
KRISTINA HUNTER is a healing guide, writer, and Certified Hakomi Practitioner living in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has spent over ten years traveling the world, studying the transformative potential of expanded states of consciousness. Her work explores the intersection of psychology, plant medicine, and Buddhist meditation. She offers individual counseling and integration support for psychedelic and initiatory experiences. She also offers mentoring and consultation to healing practitioners who wish to integrate expanded states of consciousness into their practice.
"It is a pleasure to recommend Francoise Bourzat's Consciousness Medicine. Ms. Bourzat has an extensive background as a teacher and facilitator of altered states of consciousness, utilizing a variety of techniques including meditation, vision quests, sweat lodges, and entheogens. Regarding entheogens, also known as psychedelics and hallucinogens, Ms. Bourzat has done considerable fieldwork among the indigenous Mazatec people of Mexico, who have a vast history and knowledge of the spiritual and healing properties of psilocybin mushrooms and other psychotropic plants. Having worked closely for many years with these native healers, Ms. Bourzat has acquired considerable insight into these ancient practices that she has transmitted to the many contemporary students and seekers whom she has worked with over the past thirty-five years. Given the increasing interest in the range of effects and applications of psychedelic plants in the modern era, Ms. Bourzat's knowledge holds great relevance to today's world. As such, this book will make a valuable contribution to our growing knowledge base and appreciation of the salutary potential these compounds possess."
--Charles S. Grob, MD, professor of psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine
"Françoise is uniquely qualified to write this book. She not only has the multicultural training and a deep and real connection with indigenous traditional healing techniques, but she has for decades applied, tested, and extended these techniques, specifically for the training of Western therapists. Her own Western training was first class, and perhaps because of that, she is not caught up in idolizing or fantasizing the value of either Western psychodynamic therapies and research or these older systems of indigenous healing. Her work blends both in a blend appropriate for this time and this culture. She has no ideological ax to grind, but only to press for effective practice for the healer and for their clients."
--James Fadiman, PhD, author of The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide: Safe, Therapeutic and Sacred Journeys
"Francoise Bouzat is courageously and profoundly dedicated to helping others grow and heal to their full potential using the most effective tools of which she is aware. Her commitment to her clients has been forged in the context of the global drug war, which has criminalized psychedelics and has tempered her like steel as she has continued to explore the healing potential of these substances revered in most cultures but demonized in ours. Fortunately for us all, there's a global renaissance in psychedelic research and the therapeutic and spiritual use of psychedelics. Francoise is a visionary pioneer whose life's work is making a major contribution to the process of transforming psychedelics into legal tools for healing and spirituality."
--Rick Doblin, founder and executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)
"Francoise has been a student and friend of mine for over thirty years.... When I met Francoise, she was soft-spoken, alert, respectful, and very observant. She was at home. Our Native American way of life is not a religion, it is a "Way of Life." When I met Francoise, she was living this way of life, living in the mountains, living in nature and teaching her students they are one with nature. Francoise was already connected to our Mother Earth and our Way of Life was not a mystery or difficult for her to connect to."
--Marilyn Youngbird, Chief Woman among Chiefs, Arikara Nation