'One of the volume's great strengths is the consistent engagement with primary documents, both archival and literary, and the essays model future directions in study of the early modern nobility ... Contested Spaces of Nobility in Early Modern Europe is highly recommended for individuals and for academic libraries ...' Sixteenth Century Journal 'Not falling into the trap of seeing noble history as a story of either resilience or decline, this volume contributes to a more nuanced picture of the successes and failures of the nobility's different responses to a changing world.' Virtus Yearbook for the History of the Nobility 'In terms of individual essays, this collection presents interesting, and in places important, insights into early modern noble identity. There are valuable reiterations of how noble power was perpetuated and enhanced, drawing on recent methodologies.' English Historical Review '... this collection provides an invaluable resource for researchers, with a wealth of resources in the footnotes ... and potentially for teaching a course on the early modern nobility. The empirical approach and close analysis from the various authors are fresh, and a number of pertinent questions are raised which will be useful in developing this emerging subgenre of historical enquiry beyond the specific case studies presented here.' History 'The strengths... are its willingness to engage with interdisciplinary methodology, to cross national borders and build from, rather than work with, existing historiography. Likewise, the frequent reference to other chapters by authors in the book suggests a close working relationship during the creation of the volume, and that this attention to detail is replicated throughout the volume is a credit to the editors.' European History Quarterly