"To stand at the foot of the cross is to witness the purpose for which God created the world."
The cross is a wonder unfathomable. Time cannot contain its reach. No heart can endure its weight. And yet it is the center of everything. It cannot be passed over.
Pastor and author Erwin W. Lutzer believes that the better we grasp what the cross meant to Christ, the better we grasp what it should mean to us. To do this, Lutzer examines Jesus' cries from the cross.
Search with him and see how God's love and justice meet. Know the weight of sin and the power of redemption. Look upon Jesus in His weakness, obedience, sorrow, and compassion. Let the scandal of the cross give you pause.
The cross deserves our attention. Journey forth into the heart of Jesus, that your own heart may be shaped to His.
"Fantastic! A definite must have for all Christian households.
In this short, but power packed book, Pastor Erwin Lutzer explains the "cries from the cross," each utterance that our Lord Jesus Christ made as he hung on that cross at Golgotha 2000 years ago. He uses scripture from the Old and New Testament to supplement his writing and the reader will come to see that Christ's death on that cross had been planned by God since before the beginning of time to save us all from an eternity without Him. It's a book that can be read in a few sittings with writing that is clear and easy to understand. Great read for Holy Week and Easter."
Reviewed by Karen Klein, Apr 1, 2015