"Lyrically written, Days of Awe reflects the way Cuban Spanish is spoken with poetic rhythm and frankness."
"An ambitious work . . . A deft talent whose approach to sex, religion, and ethnicity is keenly provocative."
-Miami Herald
"With intelligent, intense writing, Obejas approaches . . . the heady climes of Cuban American stalwarts Oscar Hijuelos and Cristina Garcia."
-Library Journal (starred review)
"Achy Obejas trains her poet's eye and her journalist's zeal on the ambiguities of exile, the disappointments of passionate love, and the fascinating 500-year story of Cuba's hidden Jews. We won't get anything as pat as a happy ending for our heroine, Alejandra, born with the Revolution, but the reader is guaranteed a magnificent journey."
The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
Author of The Old Neighborhood