Our Bodies. Our Rules. Our Stories.
For years, Lea Bordier has interviewed over 70 women and non-binary people from all walks of life about themselves and their bodies on her YouTube channel.
With the help of 12 female and non-binary cartoonists, Lea has adapted hundreds of hours of interviews into a graphic novel packed with 12 powerful and emotional stories.
This is a journey into the lives of twelve women and non-binary people and their relationship with their bodies, in their own words.
Dear Body is an important and visually stunning graphic novel about body positivity.
Overcaffeinated Kentuckian in Massachusetts. Librarian. Professor. Trustee. Ask me about #GraphicMedicine. Trying to be kind, do good, and read comics. (He/Him)
Marked as to-read: Dear Body by Léa Bordier https://t.co/UjFrmiiGjZ
Earth's Finest Comic Books, Board Games and Stuff since 1996
For years, Lea Bordier has interviewed over 70 women and non-binary people from all walks of life about themselves and their bodies on her YouTube channel. With the help of 12 female and non-binary cartoonists, Lea has adapted hundreds of hours of interviews into Dear Body! https://t.co/bA8V6TulEJ
Comics writer and blogger. Creator of Black Lightning, Misty Knight and Tigra. Pastor of the First Church of Godzilla.
THINGS THAT MAKE ME HAPPY: Dear Body by Lea Bordier. A informative, moving anthology of body positivity stores taken from many interviews conducted by Bordier and adapted into comics by female and non-binary artists. Comics can tell all kinds of stories. 4-19-23. https://t.co/qJvFvxJiQQ