Sigal is the new novice to a young, famous Master Magus, Yothegu. Although he feels unequal to the challenge he follows his teacher all over the world, Lomu, through an array of adventures. They start as part of a brigade of a disinherited people, the Ugoreans, that goes to help their imperial neighbor in a foreign war. Soon, Yothegu strays from the path of virtue and chooses one filled with monsters, villains, and tricksters. They travel from the depths of hell to the heights of heaven on a quest Sigal does not understand. He only knows that he must stick with his wayward master, lest he fall into darkness forever. Yothegu's Test symbolizes the scourge of pornography on the youth. Yothegu falls into transgression despite all his potential and struggles to overcome his new addiction. Through many adventures, he learns to rely on a power greater than himself and takes a leap of faith. Will he be rewarded for his reliance on divine strength rather than his own?