As the threat of coastal invasion intensified in the United Kingdom, vulnerable zones were identified - particularly from The Wash to the Dorset coastline and parts of Eastern Scotland. Once identified, these coastlines and an inland area (sometimes stretching for a few miles) became regions of concern from the potential need for rapid evacuation, and plans were also identified to deny the enemy resources within these zones, should there be an invasion. These competing needs led to many meetings and potential plans for the rapid movement of people and documents/offices etc.
Coastal defenses were also erected and antiaircraft measures enabled - some of which are still visible now more than 70 years later; there was much to do to protect these areas.
Our close proximity to Europe - and the unfolding scale of conflict - also brought challenges of their own (especially following the fall of France and Norway). Airfields once in Allied hands were quickly manned with Axis aircraft and personnel - making it possible for them to attack a far greater area of the United Kingdom's countryside and towns.
In amongst these challenges, the civilian and armed forces determined a path forward (some of the plans for which have never been documented). The following just scratches the surface of the ingenuity and bravery of many people and children.