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Now everyone's favorite library cat can inspire a new audience of young readers with his story of courage and love. Abandoned in a library book drop slot in the dead of winter, this remarkable kitten miraculously endured the coldest night of the year. Dewey Readmore Books, as he became known, quickly embraced his home inside Spencer's public library, charming the struggling small town's library-goers, young and old. As word of Dewey's winning tail, or rather his tale, spread, the library cat gained worldwide fame as a symbol of hope and proof positive that one small cat could change a town, one reader at a time.
Bret Witter has collaborated with Vicki Myron since 2006 and has enjoyed every minute. He lives in Louisville, Kentucky with his wife and two children.
Steve James has always enjoyed making pictures. Steve received his BFA in illustration from Brigham Young University where he studied traditional painting techniques. He now lives in Lehi, Utah with his wife and crazy cat.