Dating is hard. Dating online is hard. Dating online in your thirties is hard. Dating online in your thirties after being in a ten-year relationship is hard. What's not hard? Meeting men who aren't really single. Having your time wasted. Receiving unsolicited pictures of genitalia. Said genitalia. When did dating become so complicated? I just want to find a nice, good looking man who replies to my entire text message and doesn't text me "WYD" every hour. I just want to find a fun loving, intelligent man who doesn't have a Master's Degree in Cheating, Shenanigans and Tomfoolery-and isn't fluent in lies. I just want to find a man who is actually the height he listed in his dating profile. I jumped back into the dating scene with tempered expectations. I didn't think all the men I would meet were going to be amazing, but I didn't think so many of them were going to be disasters.