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When her big sister Violet has friend trouble at school, Dory tries to come to her rescue. But Dory's active imagination takes over, and she is sure that Violet's lost treasure (a friendship bracelet) has something to do with pirates. In search of the treasure, Dory meets up with a real pirate crew and finds that a pirate's life is harder than she thought. At sea, Dory longs for her imaginary friend Mary. But Mary has gone off with an exciting new friend of her own and Dory is crushed with jealousy. Just when things can't get any worse, Dory's old enemy, Mrs. Gobble Gracker shows up and Dory's ocean adventure takes a surprising turn.
There's a ton of treasure in Dory's fifth adventure as Dory mixes in pirates, pals (real and make-believe), and her own imagination into one wild and wet free-for-all.
* "This inventive child is irresistible...Charming, funny and true to life." --Kirkus Reviews, starred review
* "Hanlon effectively uses many childlike pencil drawings and word balloons interspersed with a good mix of short and long sentences in brief, episodic chapters full of Dory's hilarious adventures...readers will laugh at her entertaining antics." - SLJ, starred review
" Time spent with Dory is time well spent."- PW , starred review
"Perfection of tone, plot, pacing, art, you name it. Author Abby Hanlon has taken a universal childhood desire (the wish of the younger sibling for the older ones to play with them) and turned it into a magnificent epic fantasy complete with sharp-toothed robbers, bearded fairy godmothers, and what may be the most realistic 6-year-old you'll ever meet on a page. In a word, fantastico." --SLJ Fuse 8 Blog
""This book has everything going for it: A throbbing heart at its center ...humor in spades and charm to spare...this is one of the best children's books I've seen all year."--Kirkus Reviews blog