* "Characters' exaggerated facial expressions and body language will keep kids giggling, while dynamic compositions and changing points of view add to the pitch-perfect comedic timing... An energetic, laugh-out-loud tale that's a worthy companion to Duck's first big adventure." -- School Library Journal, starred reviewPraise for Duck on a Bike: "Shannon makes the most of awkward appendages on wheels and handlebars, and deftly balances clean compositions with just the right amount of detail. Varying perspectives -- including the chicken's-eye-view of Duck's bike wheel looming large -- provide plenty of good-natured dash. Add to all this the abundant opportunity for youngsters to chime in with barnyard responses ('M-o-o-o'; 'Cluck! Cluck!'), and the result is one swell read-aloud, packed with freewheeling fun." -- Publishers Weekly"This delightful story will have youngsters chiming in on the repeated phrases and predicting, in no time, what will happen next, and the many animal sounds provide ample opportunities for role-playing. Shannon's brightly colored spreads are filled with humor." -- School Library JournalPraise for Bugs in My Hair!: "Shannon's informative and amusing text lets readers know that everyone feels embarrassed and grossed out by lice, and his gigantic, googly-eyed bugs add to both the humor and the yuck factor." -- The Horn Book"Libraries everywhere should have this book, as this perennial problem crops up in just about every community." -- School Library Journal