Gold Winner in the 2009 National Parenting Publications Awards, Finalist in the 2008 ForeWord Book of the Year Awards, and Gold Award Winner in the 2009 Independent Publisher Book Award!
Leave behind confusing textbooks and unreliable websites. This book will guide you through your child's early years by providing sound advice based on over twenty years of experience. In an easy-to-read, question-answer format, Dr. Jim explains what makes your child tick, how to get the most out of early intervention services, and how to choose the most effective treatment options.
Helpful features include:
In a special how-to section in the book, Dr. Jim walks you through a typical day in the life of a young child with autism, from the time the child wakes up to the time he goes to bed. You will learn what to do (and not do), what to say (and not say), and how to use the strategies outlined in the book to teach your child new skills, manage behavior, and have fun while learning! No matter what your level of "autism expertise," this is your game plan to start working with your child right away!
Dr. James Ball, a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral, is the President/Chief Executive Officer of JB Autism Consulting. He is also a member of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee as a public member, this Committee, as outlined in the Autism Cares Act, makes recommendations to the Secretary on autism research gaps and submits to the Congress and the President an annual update on the summary of advances and an annual update to the strategic plan. He has been in the field of autism for over thirty years providing preschool, educational, residential, and employment services to children and adults affected by an Autism Spectrum Disorder. He is also the Director of Clinical Services for New York Families of Autistic Children (NYFAC), a private not-for-profit organization providing support and training for children and families in New York City. He provides private consultation to organizations, schools, and families regarding home program, staff/parent training, home support services, classroom design/support, behavior management/assessment and functional behavior assessment.
"If you have a child with autism, Early Intervention & Autism: Real-life Questions, Real-life Answers will become an essential addition to your library, the book that sits at your bedside table, the one you open again and again when questions loom large. It explains early intervention, but it offers so much more.... Early Intervention & Autism gives parents the hands-on tools and strategies to start working effectively with a child, even before EI services kick in. Autism is a continuum; each child with ASD is unique. As Dr. Jim makes clear, there is no one-size-fits-all intervention. His focus is always on the child, treating the child, not the symptoms."
Dr. Temple Grandin