Al norte, en el reino de Inys, Sabran la Ambiciosa se ha casado con el nuevo rey de Hróth, reconduciendo el destino de ambos reinos. Su hija, Gloria, la sigue fielmente, en la sombra, que es justo donde quiere estar.
Los dragones del Este llevan siglos dormidos. Dumai se ha pasado la vida en un templo en las montañas de Seiiki, intentando despertar a los dioses de su largo letargo. Pero de pronto aparece alguien del pasado de su madre para cambiar el rumbo de su destino.
Cuando el monte Pavor entra en erupción, desencadenando una era de terror y violencia, estas mujeres tendrán que encontrar la fuerza necesaria para salvar a la humanidad de una amenaza devastadora.
El día que se abrió el cielo es una historia épica que combina diversas tramas, conduciendo otra vez al lector al mundo de El priorato del naranjo y mostrándole la sucesión de eventos que determinarían su destino.
The New York Times bestselling, stunning, standalone prequel to The Priory of the Orange Tree, now in paperback.
"A magnificent, sweeping epic. Shannon has created a world rich in intricate mythology, beautifully realized and complex." -Jennifer Saint, bestselling author of Ariadne
In A Day of Fallen Night, Samantha Shannon sweeps readers back to the universe of Priory of the Orange Tree and into the lives of four women, showing us a course of events that shaped their world for generations to come.
Tunuva Melim is a sister of the Priory. For fifty years, she has trained to slay wyrms - but none have appeared since the Nameless One, and the younger generation is starting to question the Priory's purpose.
To the north, in the Queendom of Inys, Sabran the Ambitious has married the new King of Hróth, narrowly saving both realms from ruin. Their daughter, Glorian, trails in their shadow - exactly where she wants to be.
The dragons of the East have slept for centuries. Dumai has spent her life in a Seiikinese mountain temple, trying to wake the gods from their long slumber. Now someone from her mother's past is coming to upend her fate.
When the Dreadmount erupts, bringing with it an age of terror and violence, these women must find the strength to protect humankind from a devastating threat.