Home of the T.S. Eliot Prize for Poetry for the best collection published in the year
“And yet of Eliot’s poems (…) it’s that “heap of broken images” whose influence on modern letters is most indelible,” write the @parisreview in a newsletter celebrating the centenary of the Waste Land, opening Eliot’s Art of Poetry interview to all: https://t.co/RpTfaWMy8g
The Asian Review of Books is a dedicated pan-Asia book review publication. (Tweets of other publications' reviews/articles and retweets are for interest only.)
"For quite a number of young Chinese poets, TS Eliot's poems proved to be truly instrumental as they came up with their own responses to 'socialism with Chinese characteristics'." Qiu Xiaolong is "Eliot and I" https://t.co/yaHV0Demcn
Online literary magazine / The lit mag branch of @boneninkpress / submissions CLOSED until further notice
Maybe other people saw it too, like Eszter, who for his birthday gave him a collection of poems by Eliot, asking him to pay special attention to ‘The Hollow Men’, but he wasn’t into poetry and had no time to read it. https://t.co/KhnbdJeLJF