"A slow dance, an elegy to a cleaning woman, that continues the author's celebraton of his Cuban roots. A character endowed with romantic yearnings, Lydia moves with stoic grace through the decades...Emotional fine tuning and pitch-perfect prose." -- "Time""Finely detailed, funny, sweet...a deliberately simple story graced with the power of the ordinary."-- "National Public Radio""Simply Splendid...In "Empress of the Splendid Season, " Hijuelos lovingly suggests, true beauty lies in the small moments of a 'decent, genteel, low-key'life..."-- "People""Nobody writes better about sensual life than Hijuelos, and Empress resounds with sights, tastes, humming ambience...His best novel since his Pulitzer-winning "The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love.""-- "Los Angeles Times""Exuberantly written...Hijuelos is an old-fashioned novelist...In "Empress of the Splendid Season" he has written a story with a lesson--he is telling us how to live."-- "Miami Herald""It's refreshing, in these times of great American prosperity to read a novel about people who are just plain poor. Hijuelos is telling a story about small people, but in his skillful hands, they carry big ideas."-- "USA Today""A richly narrated novel...explores with passion. . .the strange workings of life, love [and] family."-- "Elle""It is hard not to love Lydia Espana."-- "Boston Globe""Oscar Hijuelos's powerful, subtle 'Empress' probes the mysteries of the soul. Hijuelos is a story teller...Along the way he beguiles you with anecdotes, vignettes, memories, dreams, reflections and revelations, in prose that is at times lyrical, at times colloquial, and always lucid."-- "San Diego Union-Tribune""A very human, eminently readable, and very funnybook."-- "National Review""Oscar Hijuelos's fifth novel is in many ways his most personal. . . . In the same lush yet disciplined prose that characterizes his best writing, Hijuelos evokes a personal landscape that proves even moe revealing and more affecting. . . . "-- R"ichmond Times Dispatch""This novel is beautifully evocative of a splendid empress, her culture, her time and her past."-- "Cleveland Plain Dealer""Empress tells the tale of Lydia Espana through short scenes spanning several decades. What emergesis a poignant portrait of a proud woamn who maintains her dignity despite the hard hand life has dealt her. . . a love note to the 'upper class poor'. . . . "-- "San Diego Union Tribune"