"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver."
(Proverbs 25:11)
This exclamation was made by King Solomon just after he had received an exquisite gift, and his point was that appropriate words are as wonderful as an awesome gift! Words can have a huge influence on people. This little book maps out some of the DNA of encouragement and draws several lines of application and illustration to show you how you can be an encourager of others in these needy days! As you read this book, you will learn to
Knowing the difficult days the disciples would encounter after His ascension, Jesus spent much time with those chosen few giving them words of encour-agement (John 14-17). God has used John Lehman's long-standing pastoral ministry to similarly encourage those facing hard times. With this book John seeks to equip fellow-believers to imitate their Lord as they minister comfort and encouragement to one another and to the hurting world around them. Though the book is small, the need for encouragers is great in these latter days before the Lord returns.
Jim Berg, DMin
Professor of Biblical Counseling, BJU Seminary, Greenville, SC
Sadly, all around us there are downcast and discouraged people. But Pastor John Lehman has written an encouraging book, encouraging Christians to be encouragers of others! Having read the ten chapters, I can vouch for their be-ing soundly biblical, sympathetically pastoral, eminently readable, exceed-ingly helpful, and realistically practical.
It was a privilege to have a preview of this timely book, and it is a privilege to commend it to the wider Christian community. Read and heed!
Encouragement is perhaps as neglected a ministry as it is a needed minis-try. This book, however, will reveal that, by God's grace you, too, can be a Barnabas-a son (or daughter) of encouragement-putting courage, hope and confidence into others.
Timothy Cross, BA, BD, Th.D. Litt.D
Cardiff, Wales
This easy-to-read work on encouragement did what it was intended to do for me-encourage! At the same time, it provided me with insight, confidence, and additional biblical guidance so that I might more consistently encourage others. In an extremely comforting way, John walks the reader through a va-riety of principles and real-life opportunities to be an encourager; but what I like most is how effectively he threads God's Word throughout every chapter. If you are wondering: How can I be more positive, more uplifting, and more like Christ in my daily life? Consider a deep dive into this book for guidance from someone who walks the talk!
Brent Heidorn, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Research and Assessment,
College of Education, University of West Georgia
The application of encouragement in the local body is the lynchpin of a healthy, vibrant church. It reflects the believer's desire to foster love and build spiritual enrichment in the lives of others; especially those facing spiritual op-pression and trials on a daily basis. This book is invaluable to the life of the believer as it serves to guide in cultivating what may not come natural to us-the building of the local body and edification of the saints by the conveyance of kind words. I strongly encourage you to take these words and richly apply the concepts to those God has placed within your circles.
Jack Martin
Deacon and Co-Laborer, Hampton Park Baptist Church, Greenville, SC
I know of no one that has been more consistently encouraging to me than John Lehman! When it comes to encouraging others, we need to learn from him. I trust God will use this book to help us recover the lost art of encouraging others.
Jeremy McMorris
Lead Pastor, Liberty Baptist Church, Dalhart, TX