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Modern classic Chinese children's book published in English, translated by Nicky Harman - I Want To Be Good by Huang Beijia has sold over five million copies in China since 1996 (£)
Emersonian, doer of impossible things: curator Roberto Bolano exhibit, ed. Granta, NYRB en espanol. Author A Thousand Forests in One Acorn.
Thanks to @NewDirections and an @NEAarts Fellowship this masterpiece of contemporary European fiction by Rafael #Chirbes is in English today! Happy pub date Rafa ❤️, raising a glass to your memory. The journey has been intense. 🔥🔥@AnagramaEditor
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The ever-controversial, Prix Goncourt-winning author Michel Houellebecq is publishing his first novel since 2019’s Serotonin. Anaentir, or ‘annihilate’ in English, is his 8th novel but it’s not out in English until later this year…