Across seventeen volumes to date, the University of Chicago Press's Collected Works of F. A. Hayek series has anthologized the diverse and prolific writings of the Austrian economist synonymous with classical liberalism. Essays on Liberalism and the Economy traces the author's long and evolving writings on the cluster of beliefs he championed most: liberalism, its core tenets, and how its tradition represents the best hope for Western civilization.
This volume contains material from almost the entire span of Hayek's career, the earliest from 1931 and the last from 1984. The works were written for a variety of purposes and audiences, and they include--along with conventional academic papers--encyclopedia entries, after-dinner addresses, a lecture for graduate students, a book review, newspaper articles, and letters to the editors of national newspapers. While many are available elsewhere, two have never appeared in print, and two others have not been published in English.
The varied formats collected here are enriched by Hayek's changing voice at different stages of his life. Some of the pieces resonate as high-minded and noble; some are meant as cuts to "intellectuals" (a pejorative term when used by Hayek) like Keynes and Galbraith. All serve to distill important threads of his worldview.
F. A. Hayek (1899-1992), recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1991 and co-winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1974, was a pioneer in monetary theory and a leading proponent of classical liberalism in the twentieth century. He taught at the University of Vienna, University of London, University of Chicago, and University of Freiburg.