En un futuro lejano, en un planeta remoto, se libra una compleja lucha que tendrá repercusiones en toda la galaxia. En las arenas del desértico planeta Akarris, más conocido como Dune, aprender a sobrevivir no es suficiente... Estamos ante una saga apasionante que plantea por primera vez de forma completa, racional y convincente todo un mundo independiente del nuestro. Sin embargo, sus referencias a los problemas ecológicos, el poder de las drogas y la fuerza de los mitos la han convertido en una obra de culto para millones de lectores en todo el mundo.
Este estuche contiene las EDICIONES DE LUJO de:
1. Dune
2. El mesías de Dune
3. Hijos de Dune
A deluxe case containing the first three books of the greatest epic of all time, in hardcover with dust jacket editions. Metallic finishes with high reliefs on the cover, and a design with illustrations never-before published, all at your fingertips.
In a distant future, on a remote planet, a complex fight is waged that will have repercussions throughout the entire galaxy. In the sands of the desert-planet Akarris, better known as Dune, learning to survive is not enough...
We are faced with an exciting saga that for the first time presents in a complete, rational, and convincing way, an entire world completely separate from ours. However, its references to ecological problems, the power of drugs, and the force of myths have turned it into a cult literature phenomenon for millions of readers around the world.
This box set includes DELUX EDITIONS of:
1. Dune
2. Dune Messiah
3. Children of Dune