In these pages, ethicist Bruce Weinstein boldly declares that your ethical intelligence determines how successful you are in your job, how strong your relationships with friends and family are, and even how you feel about yourself. Ethical Intelligence is the first book that shows how to increase your ethics IQ in every area of your life. Through numerous real-life examples, Dr. Weinstein applies the principles of ethical intelligence to some of the toughest problems we face and reveals the essential elements of a life well lived.
"Dr. Weinstein's book is commendable. He has articulated with exceptional clarity the five principles that underlie ethical intelligence and provided real-life examples that will resonate with the reader. Follow these principles and you will lead with integrity and a clear conscience."
-- Dr. Sanjiv Chopra, professor of medicine, Harvard Medical School, and author of Doctor Chopra Says: Medical Facts and Myths Everyone Should Know
"In this engrossing book, Weinstein, who writes the 'Ask the Ethics Guy' column for, shows readers how to make the best possible decisions at work and at home by using five basic principles: do no harm, make things better, respect others, be fair, and be loving. Through the use of abundant case studies and ethical dilemmas, Weinstein explains how to handle errant employees who are well connected and when to advise a friend that her Facebook pictures may have detrimental ramifications. The author covers a variety of everyday situations, from dealing with difficult people to watching a friend drip food on a bookstore magazine. Appendixes offer a wealth of books, movies, and TV shows that can enrich ethical intelligence and promote dialog. Great for individual readers, this book also has excellent potential for study or discussion groups."
-- Library Journal
"In a world of claw-your-way-to-the-top-at-all-costs mentality, it's time for a paradigm shift for a better humanity, a clearer conscience in a healthy society. Ethical Intelligence offers alternatives to difficult ethical situations by calibrating your ethical Bruce Weinstein presents everyday examples with such clarity, using movies and literary references to bring his points home, that it makes one ponder the validity of one's own ethical level of knowledge. Weinstein is smartly consistent in his use of the five principles in each scenario he presents, but gives multiple sides of each argument. This adds a deeper level of credibility since life's situations are almost never black and white; right versus wrong....You don't have to be, or have been, in an ethical dilemma to appreciate what this book has to offer. You just have to be alive and not a hermit!"
-- Portland Book Review