Every Woman's Guide to Foot Pain Relief will show you how to not only prevent pain but how fix your feet and halt damage to the rest of your body. Through the scientific approach of biomechanics, which looks at the gravity, friction and pressure of our bodies, expert Katy Bowman offers an innovative set of exercises; her easy-to-follow program will help you to eliminate unnecessary foot and lower-leg pain. Bowman, a science advisory member for Earth Footwear, also walks you through the shoes you should (and should not) be wearing at different life stages--without sacrificing fashion.
Every Woman's Guide to Foot Pain Relief will teach you how a healthy foot works optimally and put you on the road to prevention and recovery.
Katy Bowman, MS, is the creator and talent behind the Aligned and Well(TM) DVD program, the director of the Restorative Exercise Institute, and the creator of the Restorative Exercise(TM) DVD kits for Gaiam. She is a regular contributor and expert for national health, fitness, and wellness publications and TV segments.
Long before becoming a international health celebrity, Bowman opened a small studio - now a very large institute - utilizing her studies in biomechanics and kinesiology to design safe exercise programs for injured or post-rehab patients. Dedicated to the teaching the ABCs of movement, she developed a reputation for achieving unprecedented results in pain reduction, increased bone density, and improved metabolic health. She is a regular contributor and expert for national health, fitness, and wellness publications and TV segments.
"From the simplicity of finding the right shoe fit to the complexity of the interaction of the dozens of muscles, tendons and bones of the human foot, Katy Bowman's Every Woman's Guide to Foot Pain Relief addresses the issues that face today's woman from the ankles down. Writing in an easy, user-friendly manner, she brings forward the problems that are seen daily, explanations of why they are occurring, and simple yet productive approaches to solutions and preventions - all to finally dispel the myth that 'Feet are supposed to hurt!'"
--David B. Alper, DPM, podiatrist and past-president of the Massachusetts Podiatric Medical Society
"[Bowman] sensibly helps readers to recognize the consequences of our conscious and unconscious foot behavior by offering direct, accessible and effective foot solutions that anyone can adopt and incorporate with their private clients, group classes and personal self-care."
--Jill Miller, creator of Yoga Tune Up(R)
"Katy Bowman's effort is breezy and informal about anatomy and biomechanics, but bright and informative about 'foot gym' - what to do to restore movement health and 'under-standing' in those poor souls still banging their heels and jamming their toes into the sensory deprivation chambers we call shoes."
--Thomas Myers, author of Anatomy Trains and director of Kinesis, Inc.
"Katy Bowman's book is an honest examination and careful explanation of what women as a culture have done to our feet. This is helpful to anyone suffering from foot (and knee and hip) pain who is interested in the root of the problem and motivated to do simple exercises and postural adjustments to fix it. While anatomy can be overly-complex, Bowman does a great job making the science very accessible, and the solutions straightforward."
--Esther Gokhale, author of 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back
"For too long all of us--and women in particular--have been slaves to shoe fashion, and the price we have paid is far more than a new pair Jimmy Choos. As Katy Bowman explains in Every Woman's Guide to Foot Pain Relief, poor footwear choices have weakened our feet, impaired our alignment, and damaged our joints, leading to a host of physical problems from head to toe. Bowman offers simple solutions to improving your health by helping you understand the impact shoes have on your body, showing you how to make smarter footwear choices and describing fun and simple exercises you can do to strengthen your feet. This book is definitely a step in the right direction."
--Daniel Howell, Ph.D., "The Barefoot Professor," author of The Barefoot Book: 50 Great Reasons To Kick Off Your Shoes