Fight the Monster A ruthless killer shows a real hunger for fame. Struggling through the wilderness, an infected man tries to lead zombies away from his family. Hell hath no fury like a woman murdered. Civil war soldiers discover the secrets of a Southern swamp. Can Christmas magic survive the zombie Apocalypse? A ship of the dead hunts the living on the high seas. Dinner in a diner takes on divine import. A 200 year old vampire has a little surprise waiting for his next victim. A search for treasure makes for a really long night. A fighter pilot is shot down over very unfriendly territory. A young man makes a tempting discovery that changes everything. A little boy tries to save his dog and the unbelievable happens. Viking warriors are shipwrecked on a not so deserted island. A workman in 19th century England gets seriously steamed. Co-workers develop an unhealthy long-term relationship. A family goes shopping for a new pet. These fifteen short tales of terror were contributed by eight different authors in order to Fight the Monster that is Multiple Sclerosis. Proceeds from the sale of this book support finding a cure for MS.