In her compassionate meditation on how nature and humans both collide and connect, Williams affirms a reverence for all life, and constructs a narrative of hopeful acts, taking that which is broken and creating something whole.
Critical Optimist. Asking questions, analysing stuff and quoting rap lyrics. Cultural and societal insights @nike. Making the future happen. musings my own
Terry Tempest Williams, an essayist, naturalist and writer in residence at Harvard Divinity School, taught Rogers in a class called “Finding Beauty in a Broken World.” Her fans may know her as “a rock star,” Williams wrote in an email. “But I know her as a writer."
"An amalgam of art, intellect, ecology and spirit. . . . Moving. . . . Terry Tempest Williams's tools are words, ideas, sentences, fragments. . . . She uses them to dig into chosen corners of our world, and to illuminate some unknowns in flickering light." -The Washington Times
"Sublime art. . . . An ambitious, even audacious, work." -The Denver Post
"Intense, tough, profound. . . . This is an ambitious, risk-taking book that defies narrative conventions and avoids signpost solutions. Yet it also prompts reflection, inspiration, and awe. . . . A resounding hymn to creativity, community and engagement." -Seattle Post-Intelligencer
"Williams is an ecosystem writer-concepts in her world are joined together by physical and spiritual threads... Finding Beauty in a Broken World offers its answers in fragments, pieces-as a mosaic must.... And yet there is always beauty." -Los Angeles Times
"Wonderfully descriptive." -San Francisco Chronicle
"In Finding Beauty in a Broken World, Williams discovers her way along a path that, though at times obscured, leads to an unlikely yet inspired destination. . . . Will stir and reward." -The Oregonian
"[Finding Beauty in a Broken World] explores deeper and more lyrical territory than other books along the same theme." -Arizona Daily Sun
"Part postmodern memoir, part historical inquiry, part cultural critique and part spiritual meditation." -The Salt Lake Tribune
"This is an essential book. . . . Nonfiction in [Williams's] hands is literature." -The Bloomsbury Review
"Terry Tempest Williams has half-broken my heart with everything she has written. . . . Finding Beauty in a Broken World will break your heart and put it back together again. It is as powerful in its experiment with form as it is in meaning." -Bill McKibben
"Williams's affecting prose, written with the skill and economy of a poet, enlivens [Finding Beauty in a Broken World]." -Real Change
"Poignant. . . . Filled with the emotional honesty and grace that we've come to expect from Williams." -High Country News
"Wide awake, utterly open, completely feeling. . . . Williams
presents us with an incredible achievement, a beautiful, terrible, wonderful, hopeful witness. The farthest thing from insanity I've read." -Alexandra Fuller, author of The Legend of Colton H. Bryant
"Williams knows the earth and writes about it with native intimacy, no matter the setting or continent." -Metro Santa Cruz
"Passionate. . . . [Finding Beauty in a Broken World] will not leave the reader with the thought 'all is well' but with the challenged belief that the beauty in all life can be-and must be-identified, believed in and brought forth." -New Thought
"Behave with dignity. . . . Take the broken pieces you are given and find the new harmony that holds your future. When you finish Finding Beauty in a Broken World you will look at the landscape of your own life with new eyes." -Blogcritics magazine
"How a book could be this gentle and this heartbreaking simultaneously I do not know. . . . Terry Tempest Williams leads us with methodical accuracy into the devastations and delights of now." -John D'Agata, author of Halls of Fame