"Finding Inner Courage describes a path to inner bravery, the quiet power of standing by yourself, with yourself, for yourself, in the depths of your own heart. Finding the courage to face your inner self with all its gifts and demons is the first step to transforming the world."--Megan Devine, author of It's OK That You're Not OK
"Finding Inner Courage is perhaps Mark's finest book, a deep and graceful exploration of courage--the courage it takes to live life deep and live it whole--that will illumine your mind, strengthen your heart, and nourish your soul. May this book touch your life as it has touched mine. And may it help all of us live from that sacred core of selfhood that can heal us and our wounded world."--Parker J. Palmer, author of On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity, and Getting Old
"What an extreme delight to be engaged with this writing that issues from the heart that thinks and the mind that poeticizes! How rare it is these days to find truly original writing and, even more, thought that has moved way, way beyond and beneath and above the kind of spectator consciousness that characterizes most writing. Finding Inner Courage is one of the handful of books I cherish."--Robert Sardello, PhD, author of Love and the World and Silence
"Mark Nepo is a rare being, a poet who does not overuse language, a wise man without arrogance, a teacher who always speaks with compassion, and an easygoing love-to-listen-to him storyteller. Finding Inner Courage is a collection of delicious essays. A feast for the spirit."--James Fadiman, PhD, cofounder, Institute for Transpersonal Psychology
"Mark Nepo has the ability to provoke honest inquiry which simultaneously ignites reflection and motivates action. This is an invaluable book and resource for our changing times."--Angeles Arrien, PhD, cultural anthropologist and author of The Second Half of Life and The Four-Fold Way