As she builds a lyric portrait of her own family, Oka interrogates how migration, economic exploitation, patriarchal violence, and a legacy of political repression shape the beauties and limitations of familial love and obligation. Woven throughout are speculative experiments that intervene in the popular apocalyptic narratives of our time with the wit of an unassimilable other.
Oka's speakers mourn, labor, argue, digress, avenge, and fail, but they do not retreat. Born of conflicts public and private, this collection is for anyone interested in what it means to engage the multitudes within ourselves.
CYNTHIA DEWI OKA is the author of Salvage: Poems and Nomad of Salt and Hard Water. Originally from Bali, Indonesia, she has most recently been awarded the Leeway Foundation's Transformation Award, the Tupelo Quarterly Poetry Prize, and an Amy Clampitt Residency. She lives with her son and partner in New Jersey.
"In this fiercely brilliant book, Cynthia Dewi Oka cements her position as a poet who every single one of us should be reading and learning from. Funny, heartbreaking, filled with terror and degree of rigorous compassion one rarely sees in poems, Fire Is Not A Country achieves a formal range and virtuosity that really brought me to understand what the idea and practice of witness can mean in the hands and heart of a truly visionary poet. There's so much to learn from Oka. So many ways to be in conversation with this book and, in turn, the world. Collaborative, theatrical, experimental, open-hearted. We need the poetry this book invites us into right now." --Gabrielle Calvocoressi, author of Rocket Fantastic
"At a moment in contemporary poetry when there is so much rousing energy for strength and calls to action, there is something exceptionally brilliant about this collection's attention to fatigue, to the body overwhelmed, to the idea that one should not have to be or perform super humanness in order to survive." --Megan Fernandes, Harriet Books
"Fire Is Not a Country is a personal triumph, a prophetic and damning truthsayer for our times, and an essential read for the revolutionary and the poet. We're holding a line and we're losing, I am aware, but from a certain vantage, Cynthia Dewi Oka's poems fill me with hope, which unlike fire, is in short supply." --Rogan Kelly, The Night Heron Barks
"Reading Cynthia Dewi Oka is an EXPERIENCE. In Fire Is Not a Country, the devotional is alive and freed from those who have abused it. Reverence is as honorable as irreverence. Sorrow is subterranean and always fighting valiantly to come to the surface. Ghosts live vicariously through the living. The ancestors are calling and calling and calling. Sometimes images precede meaning and sometimes meaning creates images. Memory 'is long / and bendy.' This book is full of prisms to behold and textures to touch and so the rewards are manifold and delicious. How to describe something that is best experienced in the bodies we are in? 'I have just begun to love / the little knives of which I'm made.' I kept this book by my pillow for weeks. Night after night, I returned, wanting to experience it again." --Jenny Zhang, author of My Baby First Birthday