Find inspiration and encouragement to focus your heart on Jesus each day of the year.
Fixing My Eyes on Jesus is a 365-day devotional that will encourage, uplift, renew, and challenge you on your spiritual walk. Trusted Bible teacher, bestselling author, and CEO of AnGel Ministries Anne Graham Lotz understands how easy it is to lose focus on Jesus and stray off course. The daily devotional is perfect for new believers as well as those more seasoned in the faith.
Anne Graham Lotz's Fixing My Eyes on Jesus will provide the spiritual nourishment you crave as you seek to grow in your relationship with God. This devotional is perfect:
Fixing My Eyes on Jesus is a yearlong devotional that will provide you with clear and practical insight to help you build a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Called "the best preacher in the family" by her late father, Billy Graham, Anne Graham Lotz speaks around the globe with the wisdom and authority of years spent studying God's Word.
The New York Times named Anne one of the five most influential evangelists of her generation. Her Just Give Me Jesus revivals have been held in more than thirty cities in twelve different countries, to hundreds of thousands of attendees.
Anne is a bestselling and award-winning author of twenty-one books. She is the President of AnGeL Ministries in Raleigh, North Carolina, and previously served as Chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force.
Whether contributing opinion pieces to a national newspaper or a groundbreaking speaker on platforms throughout the world, Anne's aim is clear - to bring revival to the hearts of God's people. And her message is consistent - calling people into a personal relationship with God through His Word.