The quiet suburban town of Hampstead is threatened by two horrors. One is natural. The hideous unstoppable creation of man's power gone mad. The other is not natural at all. And it makes the first look like child's play...
"Unspeakable horror...has 'Bestseller' written all over it."--Los Angeles Times
"Straub's effects are quite spectacular...I was fairly awed by some of the more nightmarish scenes in Floating Dragon."--The New York Times
"Here is a novel guaranteed to double the national nightmare quotient, so watch out."--Cosmopolitan
"Buy it today. Anything by Straub is worth several thousand John Sauls and a million V.C. Andrewses."--Philadelphia Inquirer
"A book that positively bubbles with invention, jammed with characters, color, events, hackle-raising twists of fate, horrific monsters, terrifying nightmares, and a reality that shimmers and shifts as much as the noxious stream from a witch's cauldron."--Book World