The story of the Deluge - or the Global Flood - permeates nearly every culture in the world in some way, shape, or form. While details vary between the different cultural versions, the same basic plot line occurs in all versions: a god becomes angry, destroys the earth with a Flood, but preserves the human race by selecting a handful of people to save. These people survive the Flood by building a vessel. It is this same group of people that are then responsible for repopulating the earth. Despite the striking similarities, some mythologists have looked at the minor differences in the stories and declared: "This never happened!" The differences, they claim, are too great, and the premise is too far-fetched. There is another alternative, and that is to accept that the different versions all refer to the same event. In other words, if we can accept that there was a group of people that survived a Global Deluge, and that the story of the event was passed on from generation to generation, through various developing cultures, then we would expect: 1) a similar, if not identical plot with 2) diverging details. This would be the process of one story being told many different ways, a concept at the heart of Flood Legends - Global Clues of a Common Event. Includes: Two basic styles of interpreting myths today - and how both fail when interpreting Global Flood legends The questions that arise in the different legends - such as the length of the vessel's journey, needed supplies, etc. Clues to where the remains of the Ark might be found today, and more! Now you can travel the globe learning about numerous flood legends in this exciting new book. Move beyond Noah's story into the surviving threads of this epic event woven into the tapestry of cultural history. Delve into their commonalities and their unique perspective of this biblical history."