**Winner of 10 book awards**
**Revised and updated edition, 2020**
Four Quadrant Living provides simple, natural, and fun ways to live a healthy and happy life. It offers a practical, balanced approach that can be used by anyone, regardless of age, previous health, or family history. Many people worry about getting cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, or heart disease because it "runs in the family." This attitude encourages a passive, out-of-my-hands approach. Fortunately, our health is not determined by our genetic makeup alone, but rather by the combination of our genetics and our nutritional, lifestyle, and environmental influences. Four Quadrant Living offers a new prescription for health--one that emphasizes positive steps readers can take to create health in all areas of their lives.
As Dina Colman Mitchell writes: "Every day we make choices that impact our health-the foods we eat, the products we use, the exercise we get, the stress we allow, the people we surround ourselves with, and the environment we live in. We may be eating well and exercising, but we cannot truly be healthy if our mind is stressed, our relationships are toxic, and our world is sick." Living healthy doesn't need to be complicated.
Four Quadrant Living shows readers how to take responsibility for their own health by providing logically organized and easily implemented ideas and suggestions for nourishing the "four quadrants" of our lives-Mind, Body, Relationships, and Environment. The book includes ways to reduce stress, laugh more, take fewer medications, sleep better, live mindfully, eat well, exercise more, sleep better, engage in healthy relationships, and reduce toxins in your environment.
In this revised and updated edition, Dina Colman Mitchell provides updated statistics and information and shares new insights from her own cancer journey. The author illustrates that even with disease, we can still be healthy.
"This is not just a book about how to improve your health. I wouldn't trust it, if it was. This is a book about how to do Life. Those two--health and life--are inseparable. Anyone who writes about health, and doesn't realize that, still has a lot to learn." -- Dick Bolles, author, What Color Is Your Parachute?
"Dina's voice is clear, wise and reliable. Follow her guidance and you'll be on your way to true wellness." -- John Robbins, author of Diet For A New America and Healthy at 100
"Once in a while a book like this comes along that helps a generation of readers access a new way of living. In the most accessible and inviting language, Dina Colman Mitchell has assembled a small book of simple but profound wisdom, complete with the suggestions needed to bring about the changes. It's a book that feels like a conversation with a close friend from the moment you open it. I know a few dozen people I'd like to give this to, and I bet you will too." -- Sarah Susanka, author of The Not So Big Life
"Dina Colman Mitchell provides the top-level strategy to do the right things the right way to change your life." -- Guy Kawasaki, author of APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur
"Four Quadrant Living is a great "reset" button to keep your life on track and moving in the direction of high quality living. If everyone lived the way Dina suggests, none of us would recognize the planet we currently live on." -- Danny Dreyer, author of Chi Running
"Highly recommend. This book is filled with hundreds of practical ways to find balance in your life on all levels. While it is easy to just read quickly, to actively pursue these recommendations could supply a lifetime of self-reflection and improvement." -- Liz Lipski, author of Digestive Wellness
"Dina Colman Mitchell includes practices and exercises (and advice in general) that will help insure the result is health, not illness, and a life filled with more joy, vitality, strength, wellness, and happiness. If you're looking for a way to improve your life, this is a terrific place to begin." -- Ken Wilber, author of The Integral Vision
"Dina Colman Mitchell shares a bounty of knowledge, encouraging a whole-body approach to maintaining health and stressing the importance of having fun along the way. Her galvanizing, four-pronged approach to maximal wellness creates a simple reminder on how far a flourishing mind and body can go." -- Publishers Weekly
"Four Quadrant Living's small-step approach to improving life is notably appealing. Dina Colman Mitchell packs plenty of sensible suggestions into this slim book. What might come off as judgmental in less-daft hands is here more like gentle advice form a close friend." -- Kirkus Reviews
"Four Quadrant Living is a touchstone for this century. Dina Colman Mitchell's techniques are didactic, feasible, and clear-cut. The book is easy-going, and its neatly packaged affirmations and natural headway are necessary for any nightstand or bookshelf nearest you." -- San Francisco Book Review