FRANKY THE BRAVE is an enchanting tale about a little Pomeranian puppy named Franky, inspired by the real-life adventures of dogs Franky and Jersey. Franky may be small, but she's got one blue eye full of magic and a heart bursting with bravery. As she steps into her big, mysterious new home, Franky encounters all sorts of challenges that would make any pup nervous. But with each new fear, she remembers the secret: take a deep breath, look through her brave eye, and face the world head-on.
Much like Franky, Kevin Nordstrom, the book's author and illustrator, knows a thing or two about facing fears with a whole lot of imagination. One day, in his early 20s, several cats, who were not at all his friends, began talking to him. It was then he discovered two things: he was definitely more of a dog person, and he had schizophrenia. Since that day, Kevin has worked tirelessly through his diagnosis, striving to bring his artistic visions to life for other storytellers while secretly nurturing the dream of sharing his own stories with the world.
With a little help from his two boys, Gideon and Luke, and of course, a special little Pomeranian puppy, Kevin finally found the courage to make that dream a reality. FRANKY THE BRAVE is a celebration of bravery, friendship, and seeing the world from a different perspective--just like Kevin's own journey through life. It's a heartwarming story that reminds us all (both pups and people) that with a bit of imagination and a lot of courage, we can face anything.