"A cheerful tack across deep Faulknerian waters."
--The New York Times Book Review
"The kind of story that sneaks up on you and makes you care about the characters and what happens to them."
--USA Today
"Even minor characters are vivid and unforgettable. . . . [The] chorus of voices . . . tells the interwoven story of Willa Mae and her daughter with such flair and harmony that I was compelled to keep reading."
--The Washington Post
"Of course Suzan-Lori Parks can write a mean patch of dialogue . . . but the real treat here is watching Parks experiment with setting. . . . [She is] a master of pitch and mood."
--Entertainment Weekly
"With material steeped in the dark side of American history and a rare gift for the vernacular, [Parks is] the sort of provocateur one might get by crossing William Faulkner with Richard Pryor. . . . Parks's dialogue rings ribald and jazzy."
A splendid and joyous American novel."
"There's jazz and spunk in the writing here, tremendous humor that ultimately yields to tenderness."
--Book magazine