Penetrating, insightful.... A seminal work that must be read.--George Soros
This book is everyone's guide to the misgovernment of globalization. Stiglitz explains it here in plain and compelling language.--James K. Galbraith, The University of Texas at Austin
He is one of the most important economists of modern times.--Nicholas Stern, Chief Economist and Senior Vice President, World Bank
Whatever your opinions, you will be engaged by Stiglitz's sharp insights. A must read.--Juan Somavia, Director-General of the International Labor Organization
[An] urgently important new book.--George Scialabba "Boston Globe"
[Stiglitz's] rare mix of academic achievement and policy experience makes Globalization and Its Discontents worth reading.--Michael J. Mandel "BusinessWeek"
Development and economics are not about statistics. Rather, they are about lives and jobs. Stiglitz never forgets that...--Frank Bures "Christian Science Monitor"
A great tour of the complexities of economic policymaking. Getting a top economist to subject the US Treasury and the IMF to withering scrutiny... is good for the long-term health of the system.--William Easterly "Financial Times"
Entertaining, insightful, and well-written.... Makes a compelling case.-- "Foreign Affairs"
Provocative, readable, and sure to earn Stiglitz persona non grata status in certain corridors of power.-- "Kirkus Reviews"
Accessible, provocative and highly readable... Brings an insider's insights into the crises of the 1990s and beyond.--Alan Cowell "New York Times"
[A] smart, provocative study... Impassioned, balanced and informed... A must-read.-- "Publishers Weekly"
A fresh, much-needed look at how these institutions-primarily the International Monetary Fund-affect policy... Stiglitz has done important work...--Anna Lappé "San Francisco Chronicle"
[Stiglitz] is not a global pessimist, but a realist--and instead of placing him in a neat box labeled 'important contribution to the debate, ' we should listen to him urgently.--Will Hutton "The Guardian [UK]"
[W]ill surely claim a large place on the public stage.--Benjamin M. Friedman "The New York Review of Books"
A war story from inside the halls of the White House and the World Bank, the confession of a powerful economist with a political conscience and a healthy degree of common sense.--Lenora Todaro "The Village Voice"