Pijoan, Teresa: - Teresa Pijoan was born in Española, New Mexico, and grew up in Indian communities where she learned the ways and legends of the Native People. Her father was a public health doctor from Barcelona, Spain and her mother was a school teacher from New York. Her grandfather was the famous Spanish author, Jose Pijoan. Teresa Pijoan is a lecturer, storyteller, research writer, and teacher. She has a PhD in humanities and communication. She has shared her storytelling throughout Central Europe, Mexico, and the United States. She feels myths are "magic lenses" through which cultures can be viewed, understood, and deeply appreciated. Other books by Teresa Pijoan are the mystery novels Dead Kachina Man and Granger's Threat and the nonfiction books American Indian Creation Myths, Native American Creation Stories of Family and Friendship, Healers on the Mountain, Pueblo Indian Wisdom, Myths of Magical Native American Women Including Salt Woman Stories, Ways of Indian Magic, and Water Stories of Native American and Asian Indians with Chintaman Prabhune, all from Sunstone Press.