An orphan living with his older sister and her kindly husband, Pip is hired by wealthy and embittered Miss Havisham as a companion for her and her beautiful adopted daughter, Estella. His years in service to the Havishams fill his heart with the desire to rise above his station in life. Pip's wish is fulfilled when a mysterious benefactor provides him with "great expectations"--the means to be tutored as a gentleman.
Thrust into London's high-society circles, Pip grows accustomed to a life of leisure, only to find himself lacking as a suitor competing for Estella's favor. After callously discarding everything he once valued for his own selfish pursuits, Pip learns the identity of his patron--a revelation that shatters his very soul.
With an Introduction by Stanley Weintraub
and an Afterword by Annabel Davis-Goff
Stanley Weintraub is the author or editor of more than fifty books of biography, culture history, and military history, including The London Yankees, Whistler, Victoria, and Uncrowned King: The Life of Prince Albert. He retired from Pennsylvania State University as Evan Hugh Professor Emeritus and director of Institute for the Arts and Humanistic Studies.
Annabel Davis-Goff is the author of The Dower House, This Cold Country, and The Fox's Walk. All three novels were selected by the New York Times as Notable Books. She is also the author of Walled Gardens, a family memoir, and is editor of The Literary Companion to Gambling. She now teaches literature at Bennington College.