Laurie Myers comes from a writing family: both her mother, Betsy Byars, and her sister, Betsy Duffey, write children's books. Laurie's two previous books for Clarion are EARTHQUAKE IN THE THIRD GRADE and GUINEA PIGS DON'T TALK. She lives in Augusta, Georgia.
"Will appeal to readers looking for funny books or stories involving animals." Booklist, ALA
"A short, enjoyable story about friendship and school problems. Lisa gets into trouble on her first day of school. When the teacher asks her to change the paper on one of the guinea pigs' cages, Angel, a troublemaker, tells her to put the two animals together. This proves to be a big mistake--they fight, and one loses part of an ear. Angry, Lisa decides on a plan of revenge. Feelings run high as she and Angel play embarrassing tricks on each other. Finally Lisa realizes that she is making more enemies than friends, and she comes up with a way to establish a truce with Angel. Told mainly through conversations with only brief descriptions, this story is a quick read." School Library Journal --