Harry is a shy, bullied little dog. In a dream, he meets some friendly animals who teach him useful bully-blocking skills. Mia the meerkat tells him the best ways to respond to bullying; Ollie the owl emphasises eye contact; Gerry the giraffe explains the importance of good posture; and so on.
Harry puts these new skills into practice: they work immediately, and his life is transformed. In learning how to block bullies and make new friends - skills he can use all his life - Harry has shed his fear, and now enjoys being with his peers.
This small book will empower 8+ year-old children to learn how to block bullies. It is based on the therapy model Evelyn developed to train psychologists, and on years of teaching bullied children how to manage their basic survival instinct. It is effective and empowering: even young children understand the concept of keeping their power, or giving it away and making the bully happy. Harry's story is written in the form of a poem - in rhyming four-line stanzas - to help children remember the words, which are meaningful and therapeutic.
'Harry is a great story with a happy ending. It can teach you how to stand up to bullies when they are being mean to you.' - Eli, aged 9.
'Ruth seemed to engage a lot in the scenarios and was able to "block" and "retort". Mike is a different kind of learner. He acted disengaged and did not want to participate in the scenarios. I think some of it was a bit close to home for him and I know he has been bullied before, even as recently as this week.' - Mother of two.
'I love how this book teaches kids that there is a really easy way to stop bullies. And I really enjoy that it's not a human and it's a dog. Harry is very adorable.' - Stephanie, aged 10.
'Dogs are great teachers, in times of fun and sadness. Their comfort is what gets many people out of bed each day. We laugh or cry at their antics. Dogs as therapy helps everyone. [This is] a lovely rhyming book that will be easy to read with children.' - Vivien, Stephanie's mother.
'Harry is super cute and would be helpful for primary-school-aged children.' - Judith David, Clinical psychologist.
'This book uses the art of poetry to cleverly help children understand the experience of bullying, and presents a way forward for children who are either bullying or being bullied.' - David Opat, Child psychologist and Vice-Principal.
'In a nutshell, Evelyn Field teaches children the importance of "not reacting" to bullying behaviour. The students I share this approach with find it challenging but effective. Harry the Bully Blocker is full of rhyming quips and tips to help children embrace this idea and implement other strategies related to bullying. The ideas presented in the book can be especially useful when read together with an adult. Evelyn has also included a whole section of guiding questions adults can use to engage children and support the book's teachings.' - Biteena Frazier, School Counsellor, Yew Chung International School of Shanghai.
'Harry is so relatable, and Evelyn's ability - through this story - to empower through the real and practical skill of navigating bullying transcends all age limitations.' - Workplace Bullying Survivor, aged 56.
'Jack [aged 12] was bullied in six schools and is going to his seventh school next year following an overdose. He didn't get help from the school or the psychiatrist. However, while he was reading Harry, his demeanour and expression changed: slowly he began looking positive and empowered. He liked the rhyming and pictures.' - Jack's father, passenger on P.O. Jewel.