Lee's story will resonate with many young girls today. She shares her story in such an honest way that it's easy to feel a rapport with her right from the start. The little thrill I would feel when reading a Judy Blume book returned when I read Home Free.-- "CM Magazine"
An excellent exploration of the meaning of friendship.-- "Canadian Teacher Magazine"
Subtle, wise, and energetic; an honest picture of childhood perceptions.-- "Quill & Quire"
The brand new "Gutsy Girls" series from Canadian publisher Second Story Press promises to be lively, funny, engaging and original. Judging by the debut novel Home Free it will truly live up to that expectation!-- "Children's Bookwatch"
This sweet story will touch young readers - especially girls who have struggled to fit in. Older readers will be reminded of childhood friends and summers filled with possibilities.-- "With a Good Book blog"
The story showcases many elements of writing while dealing with the difficulties of relationship and death. It is a great book to supplement the writing curriculum.-- "Kutztown University Book Review"
A brilliant story that is imaginative and cunning, with a clever storyline that twists and turns with emotion... Home Free is a thoroughly enjoyable book that had no bland or starchy parts that make you yawn, but instead a rollercoaster of a book that is filled with emotion.-- "Canadian Children's Book News"
Precocious and smart, a chatterbox, misunderstood by a lot of the adults in her life except a beloved teacher, Lee's a completely loveable character... A fun and engaging read from start to finish.-- "New Pages.com"
Jennings avoid[s] sounding didactic as [she] paint[s] [the] picture of the conditions girls faced in the [...] 1960s. And [she] manage[e] to leave readers with a sense of hope and empowerment.--Rachelle Delaney "Canadian Literature"
It's impossible to avoid the Anne-ish-ness of this sweet, bookish tale [...] There is, however, an element of tragedy in the story that surprised me, although, in hindsight, it fits perfectly with the influence of L.M. Montgomery's stories.-- "Buried in Print"
Home Free is a brilliant story that is imaginative and cunning, with a clever storyline that twists and turns with emotion.-- "Kidswwwrite.com"