Becky Chambers has introduced the intriguing idea that the combination of homeopathy and whole body vibration works better for healing than each of the systems individually. Read the book; the combination may work for you. Even scientific materialists should be interested because Chambers presents a new nanotechnology-based theory in support of homeopathy along with older theories. -Amit Goswami, PhD, quantum physicist and author of The Quantum Doctor and Quantum Economics Being a one-trick pony, I am always impressed when an accomplished homeopath takes on the task of mastering a second field of healing. Like Whitmont (homeopathy and Jungian thought), Helms (homeopathy and TCM), and Nerman (homeopathy and cranial osteopathy), Becky Chambers has written a text which expands our understanding of two fields. Kudos. -Roger Morrison, MD, author of Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms This book presents ideas that are novel and new-it is a must read for the large number of people who have turned toward holistic medicine. The concept of mixing energy stimulation or modulation into a therapeutic regimen is very relevant in clinical practice. I highly recommend this book. -Stephen Holt, MD, DSc, ND, Distinguished Professor of Medicine Emeritus Becky Chambers, in her person-as she has lived her life- and in writing her new book, Homeopathy Plus Whole Body Vibration: Combining Two Energy Medicines Ignites Healing, has begun the work of bringing together two fields not usually connected. This is a book that I, as a Jungian analyst, will recommend to many in my depth psychology practice where we continuously probe the interface of body and soul, soma and psyche. This book helps all of us understand how the "releasing" of symptomatic issues takes place through many layers manifest in body and psyche. Her work also helps us understand how to bring about healing. -Thomas J. Kapacinskas, JD, NCPsyA, past president, Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts More than ever, many of us are interested in living healthy, vibrant lives-especially as we age. It's past time that we investigate healthcare solutions used by physicians all over the world that are powerful, gentle, and have no side effects. In Homeopathy Plus Whole Body Vibration, Becky Chambers introduces us to two therapies that are powerful on their own. Combined, they offer a synergistic healing force that can rock your world-your body, your mind, and your spirit. If you're ready to optimize your health and have your energy soar, this could be for you. -Ann Quasman, Creator of Conscious Conversations Café on WomanTalk Live Radio, Homeopathy Plus Whole Body Vibration describes in detail how two very effective, energy-based treatments can be combined to aid in the detoxification and realignment of our energy body. Combined they produce a very effective synergistic program for regaining your health. -Susan E. Kolb, MD, FACS, ABIHM, plastic surgeon, author of The Naked Truth about Breast Implants, and host of the Temple of Health radio show In highly readable fashion, Becky Chambers introduces and explains the transformational impact of the combined use of homeopathy and whole body vibration and the research that supports both. Recognized in Europe (and in the US as recently as the late nineteenth century) as a gentle and effective treatment for a variety of ailments, homeopathy fell victim to the political alliance of the AMA and pharmaceutical companies [in the US]. As a daughter of a physician, I was raised with a great distrust of alternative medicine. Yet the combination of homeopathy and WBV has begun to alleviate chronic symptoms that numerous physicians have been unable to fix. -Tracy Wallach, PhD, expert in group, organizational, and socio-political systems