All summer, Pearl has been trying to build the perfect sandcastle, but out-of-control Frisbees and mischievous puppies keep getting in the way! Pearl and her robot friend Pascal have one last chance, and this time, they're going to use code to get the job done. Using fundamental computer coding concepts like sequences and loops, Pearl and Pascal are able to break down their sandcastle problem into small, manageable steps. If they can create working code, this could turn out to be the best beach day ever!
With renowned computer science nonprofit Girls Who Code, Josh Funk and Sara Palacios use humor, relatable situations, and bright artwork to introduce kids to the fun of coding.
Sara Palacios illustrated the Pura Belpré honor book Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match. She divides her time between San Francisco and Mexico City.
Co-Creator #ReadYourWorld🌎📚Blogging on diverse #KidLit & parenting⛩🏮🎎Co-Author @howtocoachgirls⚽️Co-Founder @aquent
Multicultural Children's Book Day Review - How to Code a Sandcastle This series by Josh Funk works so perfectly with teaching kids about #coding. Join us tonight at 9 pm EST for our Twitter Party. #ReadYourWorld @MCChildsBookDay @joshfunkbooks
I write books for adults to read to children so that children fall in love with reading. e.g. Lady Pancake & Sir French Toast, My Pet Feet, Dear Dragon, & more
RT @BlueRidgeEl: Practicing coding, algorithms, and loops using “How to Code a Sandcastle” by Josh Funk (read aloud) with Mrs. Ables and Ms…
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Students LOVED hearing our visiting author Josh Funk speak today! He read his book, “How to Code A Sandcastle” and then taught students to code their own aliens! Thank you @mrscedola and the Tisdale PTO for another memorable Author Day!
"An accessible introduction to coding rules that also easily entertains."--Kirkus Reviews